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The breed is medium sized but nicely muscled.
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ОтветитьУдалитьAll the Poodles share a square outline, with a long, elegant neck and a straight back. The tail is docked, but not short, so it can wave gaily.The three varieties constitute one of the most popular breeds in the world. Poodles shine in the glamour of the show ring, but https://www.cutespupsforsale.com/they also work as guide dogs for the blind and police dogs. They compete in all dog sports, from running the Iditarod and herding sheep to obedience and agility. The first proponent of obedience in the United States, toy poodle for saleBlanche Saunders, had Standard Poodles.Poodles tend to have a leggy appearance and a long muzzle combined with dropped ears. They move with a springy, lively gait.
The coat of the poodle is its crowning glory. Dogs competing in the breed ring must have a specific clip, with areas of extravagant hair coupled with skin tight clipping. These clips actually developed for a reason: they provided thick coat over the joints and chest to keep the dogteacup poodles for sale warm while working in cold water. Many guardians elect to keep their dogs in a kennel or working clip, with the coat clipped fairly short and pompoms left on the head and tail. A few poodles are seen with a corded coat, in which the tight curls form long bands like dreadlocks.
The poodle coat should be tight and curly unless brushed out vigorously. Poodles are known as good dogs for people with allergies because the hair does notteacup poodle for sale routinely shed out; instead, it mat to itself. This is why poodles need clipping or frequent grooming because the mats can be painful. The commonly seen colors of poodles are silver, black, white, apricot and chocolate. Reds do appear as well as creams and blues. Parti-colors such black and white are not considered acceptable in the show ring.
Poodles are notorious for their intelligence and ease of training. They are lively, active, fun-loving dogs with a sense of the ridiculous. Poodles thrive on attention and can develop bad habits such as nuisance barking if ignored or left alone.
The smaller poodles can be aggressive to peoplepoodles for sale outside their families or to other dogs. They should have early socialization to other people and pets and a firm hand in training. Poodles can be protective of their families and homes.
It should be remembered that poodles are basically hunting dogs in elegant attire and do require exercise and training to be at their best as companion dogs.
Poodles started out as hunting dogs, especially good at water retrieving. With their quick intelligence and desire to please, they branched out into performing dogs with traveling troupes and circuses. Aristocracy, particularly in France, discovered the breed and delighted in both thepoodle for sale personality and the incredible hair coat, which could be shaped in myriad ways.Despite the new image of the poodle as an elegant, somewhat spoilt aristocrat, we should remember that they are still called "caniches" in France, meaning duck dog.
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